ALL ONE CREDIT UNION (Credit Union), Leominster, Massachusetts has petitioned the Commissioner of Banks for permission to amend its by-laws pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws chapter 171, section 10 to expand the associations which qualify persons for membership. The amendment relative to membership eligibility proposes to add membership eligibility for family members of existing members, as well as for members of religious, civic, or charitable organizations having their principal place of business within the Credit Union’s existing geographic field of membership. Any objections or comments relative to this proposal must be communicated in writing to the Commissioner of Banks, One Federal Street, Suite 710, Boston, Massachusetts 02110 or via electronic mail to no later than March 21, 2025. A public hearing may be held if the response is considered significant or circumstances warrant such a hearing, as determined by the Commissioner. The petitioner’s application and all communications relative to this application are available from the Division by request at
Commissioner of Banks